10 Perplexing Sci-Fi Film Problems Solved By The Internet

9. Why Doesn't R2-D2 Speak English?

Sure, Star Wars exists a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but that doesn't mean we can't apply some of our current-day logic to it. Such as, for example, why the heck astromech droids - those dustbin-looking mofos who count R2-D2 amongst their number - speak in clicks and beeps that require another robot to translate, when they could just speak English? Or "Basic", as it's called in the Star Wars universe, which remains the most-spoken language across the galaxy, apparently. It makes even less sense when you consider the fact that astromechs are usually used as navigators and mechanics. How they can help anyone if they can't understand them? At least, that's the way they get used in the films. One Redditor pointed out that most people in Star Wars actually used astromech droids in a different way than they were intended. They were never designed to have long-form conversations with sapient beings - they're supposed to be mobile computers that interact with other computers in order to do processing, diagnostics, and basic repair. That's why R2 messes with the Death Star computer and why the droids are used to help X-Wing pilots, interfacing with the system and providing support. If you want someone to chat to, you want a protocol droid like C-3PO. If you can stand the accent.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/