10 Perverted Movies To Make You Blush

2. Ma mere (2004)

ma mere Pierre is a rich and religious kid who has just left boarding school and goes to live with his parents. His father shortly dies and Pierre learns the truth about his mother Helene - she is an out and out depraved libertine. He also discovers his dad's porno stash and masturbates furiously over it however, his pervert mother has bigger plans for him... Helene gets her fellow pervert friend Rea to take Pierre's virginity in a public shopping place. She also brings Pierre to an orgy where he meets Hansi, a sweet young girl, who becomes his girlfriend. Helene buggers off to travel. During their courtship, Hansi reveals her dominatrix past to Pierre. She doesn't have Pierre for long as Helene returns and makes goo goo eyes at Pierre to Hansi's disgust. The inevitable happens - Helene beds her son. At point of Pierre's orgasm, Helene slits her throat. Viewing his mother at the mortuary, Pierre starts masturbating screaming "I don't want to die!". So Ma mere is all clean, wholesome stuff as you can see from the above. Based on a controversial posthumous novel by the King of Transgressive Sex Literature - George Bataille - Ma mere is a sordid little film which is not for the faint of heart. Its perviness is all consuming and intent on busting open sexual taboos. You probably won't find it erotic unless you have a massive Oedipal complex and your tastes are really jaded, but you are bound to find it perverse in the extreme and you wouldn't want to watch it with your own mother in attendance. That would be an awkward viewing experience and a half!

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!