10 Pointless Characters In Horror Movie Sequels

5. The Sawyer Family - Texas Chainsaw 3D

Alien Covenant James Franco

The original Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the greatest horror movies ever made. Produced on an extremely low budget, the movie still manages to create a horrifying atmosphere that has never quite been replicated. It was also a huge hit, spawning a massive franchise of sequels and remakes, although none have ever matched the original in quality.

Texas Chainsaw 3D, which released in 2013, acts as a direct sequel to the original, ignoring the events of the later movies. While an interesting idea, the movie never does enough with the setup to be interesting.

In its opening moments, we witness the police response to the events in the original, as a lone officer approaches the Sawyer house, demanding they turn over Leatherface. All goes south when a group of locals turn up and murder the Sawyers in an act of vigilante justice.

While this entry is slightly cheating as it isn't a single character, the inclusion of the original Sawyer family as a whole is pointless. It's impossible to pick just one. Central characters from the first movie are killed off in a split second, seemingly only there as a piece of worthless fan service.

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