10 Poorly Reviewed Movies That Deserve Another Chance At A Franchise

6. Hellboy (2019)

Hellboy David Harbour

Rotten Tomatoes: 18%

Possibly the most disappointing entry on this list, 2019's Hellboy was also one of the most disappointing movies in recent memory.

After Guillermo del Toro's flawless 2004 adaptation and its 2008 sequel, it seemed that Hellboy was on track for a cinematic franchise true to his Dark Horse comic book roots.

Then, Hollywood politics reared their ugly head and del Toro left the project, with star Ron Perlman just a short way behind.

The resulting reboot starred David Harbour - an excellent choice if anyone was to replace Perlman - and fans did their best to remain hopeful about the character's future on the big screen.

That is, until the movie's release.

2019's Hellboy rose to the occasion by taking some truly exceptional source material and making it one of the most boring experiences possible. The movie's script was laughable, and its bad dialogue was offset by a number of truly awful accents.

Harbour as Hellboy is something that an audience could get behind, providing that any sequels entirely replace the writers, producers and director involved with this awful, awful reboot.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.