10 Poorly Reviewed Movies That Deserve Another Chance At A Franchise

5. Van Helsing

Hellboy David Harbour
Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes: 24%

Back in 2004, Hugh Jackman starred in this fantasy-action-horror movie as the titular hunter tasked with killing Dracula. Not content with being another vampire movie, Van Helsing also features a number of horror icons such as werewolves, Frankenstein's monster and Mr. Hyde in the manner of the multi-monster movies produced by Universal in the '40s.

While Van Helsing didn't do all too well with critics, it was a fairly serviceable effort for fans of monster movies.

In 2012, Universal announced a reboot of the movie, with the potential of creating a shared universe with the reboot of The Mummy. After the release of the latter and its subsequent critical lashing, it seems that all hopes of a Van Helsing revival are dead in the water. And that's a shame, really. After all, Van Helsing pulled together a number of the early-2000s' biggest stars in an entertaining action-horror outing.

Although Universal seems to have difficulty in nailing the tone of their modern monster movies, with a more thorough and inventive reworking of the traditional monsters a shared universe would certainly be worth a try.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.