10 Poorly Reviewed Movies That Deserve Another Chance At A Franchise

4. John Carter

Hellboy David Harbour

Rotten Tomatoes: 52%

While John Carter wasn't a complete critical write-off, it was certainly something of a financial disaster for Disney, costing them an estimated $200 million. Luckily, they appear to have bounced back, but the planned trilogy was dealt a swift and decisive death blow.

Visually, John Carter was breathtaking, although its plot and pacing left a lot to be desired, and it failed to live up to its own hype in record-breaking style.

John Carter was based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars, itself the first novel in the writer's Barsoom series. Widely celebrated as inspiration for many of the 20th century's most well-known sci-fi authors, John Carter's source material features so many aspects of a blockbuster franchise.

Combining elements of the Western alongside more traditional sci-fi tropes, the Barsoom series could easily make for a brilliant series of space operas in the vein of the Star Wars universe, but it seems as though the rest of Edgar Rice Burroughs' pulp classics are destined never to be adapted for the big screen.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.