10 Poorly Reviewed Movies That Deserve Another Chance At A Franchise

2. The Last Airbender

Hellboy David Harbour
Paramount Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes: 5%

The Last Airbender has a firmly cemented place among the most hated movies ever made, being panned by critics and audiences alike.

Based on the wildly popular Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender, it seemed that this live action adaptation would be a cash cow; at least, that is, until it was released.

Fans of the series were outraged at the unfaithfulness to the movie's source material, as well as the acting, plot holes and underwhelming visuals.

While The Last Airbender was an unpleasant retelling of a well-loved story, it at least provided a few pointers on how not to adapt a beloved series into a blockbuster and, in spite of the critical panning, it still managed to pull in a reasonable box office gross - although that box office haul still wasn't enough to save the rest of the planned franchise.

While there is another live-action remake in the works for Netflix, there's been a handful of reported issues, with the series' original creators leaving the project due to creative differences. As such, it's beginning to look as though the future of the franchise is once again murky at best.

One thing is for certain, though: if Avatar: The Last Airbender was adapted faithfully and done properly, it would bring home bundles of cash for whoever pulls it off.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.