10 Possibilities For Fox's Next X-Men Movie

4. Genosha

Continuing on from the movie franchise€™s focus on human-mutant relations, the introduction of Genosha could result in a political gamechanger for the X-Men. It€™s an island nation just off Africa that lives in high-technology harmony€ because enslaved mutants have been harnessed to change the country€™s economy. The Genosha storyline informs many subsequent storylines and (thank god) doesn€™t involve new realities, time travel and alternate versions of old favourites, simply the X-Universe€™s time-honoured €˜mutants as social pariahs€™ storyline. One might criticise it for having too few ready made true villains€ but it€™s the work of a few minutes to add a couple more. Perhaps the Hellfire club helped to bankroll the creation of the state, or the cyborg peacekeepers that maintain order have the stamp of the Body Shoppe on them. It's also a perfect opportunity for Magneto to both pontificate over the literal creation of mutant slaves, and to consider himself as the best viable candidate for dictator of this hellish regime to destroy the last vestiges of the old guard. Will the X-Men permit their oldest enemy to have that kind of political power, even though... he's kind of right?

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.