10 Possibilities For Fox's Next X-Men Movie

5. The Brood

A sentient race of monstrous aliens, the Brood of the X-Men comics was clearly ripped off wholesale from the xenomorph from Alien: an insectoid/lizardlike creature with a giant, tapered head and a mouth ringed with bloody fangs. When a person is injected with a Brood egg, that egg matures inside of them, becoming a Brood embryo that eventually takes over the host body, allowing for transformation into a Brood adult and back again, and full use of any special abilities of the infected host. Absolute living nightmares, the Brood live in the hollowed out bodies of giant spacefaring creatures, further cementing their status as a race of invasive infections that must be stamped out before they infect the whole human race. The introduction of the Brood allows for a space opera style narrative like the Shi€™ar options, or an alien invasion storyline similar to The Thing. A trusted friend or two could be infected, leading to the X-Men being forced to fight alien versions of their own allies. In the comics, one of those infected is Wolverine himself, who is eventually able to fight off the infection with the use of his powerful mutant healing factor.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.