10 Possible New Directions For The DCEU After Michael Keaton's Return

6. Rebooting Without Changing Anything

Michael Keaton Batman
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Flash is currently scheduled to hit theaters eight months after Matt Reeves' The Batman, and with the Snyder Cut of Justice League also set to arrive at some point in 2021, audiences will be seeing three different versions of the Dark Knight played by three different actors in less than a year that are all technically part of the same franchise.

On paper that sounds very confusing, but Michael Keaton's return as an alternate timeline's Bruce Wayne means that re-casting and rebooting any of the DCEU's major names in the future won't technically result in any major changes to canon.

With recent rumors that Ben Affleck might also be tempted to return and make his own version of The Batman, instead of overloading fans with Caped Crusaders a quick expositional scene or two would go a long way to explaining why there are three Batmen running around at the same time unaware of each other's existence, but they can all be tied directly back into the DCEU's established narrative


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