10 Possible New Directions For The DCEU After Michael Keaton's Return

5. Crisis On Infinite Earths

Michael Keaton Batman
The CW

After enviously watching the success that Marvel Studios had enjoyed with The Avengers, Warner Bros. decided that they wanted a massive crossover event of their own, which resulted in Justice League being thrown together far too quickly.

Without much reason to care about several of the supposed major players, both fans and general audiences alike saw through the studio's transparent ploy to cash in on what their rivals had accomplished, when playing the slow game would have been much more beneficial in the long run.

However, with Keaton's return making it clear that the DCEU is hanging its hopes on the multiverse, they could maximize the potential of having multiple timelines existing concurrently by going for broke and mounting a big screen adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

It would admittedly require a whole lot of moving pieces to all be pulling in the same direction, but if the Arrowverse can pull it off on TV, there's no reason why the studio couldn't make it work on the big screen with the cavalcade of A-list stars and hundreds of millions of dollars in production costs they'd have at their disposal.


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