10 Post-Credits Scenes Avengers: Age Of Ultron Should Have Had

7. Tony Stark's Next Upgrade

Tony's reaction to creating an insane robot hellbent on murdering mankind seems to have been defensive incredulity that the Avengers would even mind his working to make them obsolete without telling them. The need for global security trumps everything, right? Creating the Vision - and getting even Thor to approve that creation - only boosted his resolve even further. We know Captain America: Civil War is coming soon and Tony and Steve are likely to be back at odds. The comics' civil war revolved around the issue of registering people with powers. What if this movie had ended with Tony designing such a registration system? Yet more software designed as a suit of armor around the world, because, as Tony sees it, that's just too important a job to be entrusted to people.Why It May Not Have Happened: How can anyone miss Stark if he won't go away? Even Marvel's biggest star has to watch out for overexposure, and putting the focus on him here to promote the next film would mean people stopped calling the next Captain America film "Avengers 2.5" and started calling it "Iron Man 4."

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.