10 Post-Credits Scenes That Totally Trolled Audiences

8. Shawarma - The Avengers

The Scene: The Avengers are sat in a dilapidated New York restaurant...eating shawarma in silence, just like Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) suggested they do at the end of the Battle of New York.

Why It Trolled Audiences: To be fair, Joss Whedon already gave us a pretty incredible mid-credits scene with our first glimpse at the Marvel Cinematic Universe's big bad, Thanos, so perhaps we were a little greedy to expect another scene of consequence after the credits.

Still, the second scene had been hyped up heavily online (even being held back from press screenings and previews of the film), only for audiences to be completely deflated when it's just the Avengers silently eating some food in a call-back to a seemingly nonchalant comment made moments earlier.

Sure, it's kinda funny, but considering Joss Whedon called the cast back following principal photography for this, you'd think that he'd milk it a little more, and maybe give them some lines. And for anyone who forgot about the shawarma line, it's just a total WTF.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.