10 Post-Infinity War MCU Phase 4 Predictions

5. The Captain America Mantle Is Retired

Captain America Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Fans have been expecting Captain America (Chris Evans) to be killed for quite some time now, with some distinct near-misses in both Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

While it's quite possible Cap finally goes down for the count in Avengers 4, there's been speculation that either Bucky (Sebastian Stan) or Falcon (Anthony Mackie) will take up the Cap mantle as per the comics.

However, given Marvel Studios' tendency to deviate from the expected, combined with the fact that both Bucky and Falcon still have yet to prove their full worthiness of the iconic moniker, it's probably more likely the name will be retired with Cap's expected demise.

Given that Cap hasn't worn the stars-and-stripes garb in years, the name and iconography don't exactly mean a whole lot anymore anyway, so if he's given a suitably affecting send-off, there's really no need to keep the name around for mere ceremonial reasons.

Hopefully Bucky in particular could get a more pronounced role in his absence, but with Marvel seemingly leaning more into his White Wolf persona, that's probably what they're going to stick with.

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MCU Phase 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.