10 Potential Directors For Spider-Man 4

6. Joe Wright

Hanna was like Joe Wright really wanted to do a great action film but all the pieces just weren't in play. But from a design standpoint, the guy is a master. Sure everything else but Hanna are period piece-styled dramas, but man are they gorgeous. And on top of that, Wright as proved he's very apt at one thing in the particularly gut-wrenching, heartstrings-pulling, emotional story-telling. Considering Marc Webb has set the franchise up to be part love story, and inevitably Mary Jane is going to work her way into that, it couldn't hurt to have a director who knows his way around the lovey-dovey stuff as well as he does orchestrating a big-budget action film. Don't let the tear-jerkers fool you, a director capable of three masterpiece adaptations - Pride and Prejudic, Atonement, Anna Karenin - could easily handle the flashy colors and explosions that come along with a Spider-Man film. He'd be an underdog choice for sure, and one likely to come attached to the inevitable fan outcry of, "Why God?" But it shouldn't rule him out. A director with an eye for production design and dramatic storytelling can often help take your stereotypical blockbuster and give it a much need injection of heart and reality. By the time we get to Spider-Man 4 you might feel like you've seen it all already. Guys like Wright can help you rethink that assessment.

Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym