10 Potentially Awesome Movies Ruined By The PG-13 Curse

8. The Ring Two

Like John Carpenter horror movies, Japanese horror is often the subject for American remakes. Sometimes these are handled effectively - Walter Salles' update of Dark Water starring Jennifer Connelly being a prime example - other times the scares and thrills are lost in translation, as with the woefully misjudged remake of the underrated chiller Pulse (also known as Kairo). The producers of The Ring Two didn't have the excuse of drafting in an inexperienced director to helm this sequel - the Japanese creator of the original, Hideo Nakata, took on directing duties himself, bringing back Naomi Watts in this direct follow on to the remake of his original. The senseless, absurd script certainly didn't help matters, while the PG-13 rating ensured that anything which tried to be remotely disturbing somehow failed to make it onto the screen. PG-13 plus horror equals epic fail, it seems...
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