10 Potentially Awesome Movies Ruined By The PG-13 Curse

2. Terminator Salvation

If the PG-13 curse can be said to have negatively affected one particular kind of movie more than any other, it's the 80s action movie. From Die Hard to Alien and beyond, some of the best films from the 1980s have suffered from sequels and remakes so inferior and watered down as to not deserve a place in the franchise. Terminator Salvation was yet another to add to the list. Most of the aspects of the original Terminator movie which made it so memorable lay in the fact that it was rated R. The action was brutal, with a body count reaching the ceiling and taking in plenty of innocent bystanders in the process, while the sense of dread which the Terminator's presence elicited relied on the dark, adult tone of the production. Stripped of all these attributes and directed by the ever-disappointing McG, Terminator Salvation went where no right-minded Terminator movie should go - straight into the territory of money-grabbing cash-in where even little kids can defeat a Terminator.
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