10 Predictions About The Universal Monsters Cinematic Universe

8. The Reviews Won€™t Be Kind

If there€™s one thing I, Frankenstein, Van Helsing, Underworld: Evolution, and The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, taught us, it€™s that critics tend to hate it when filmmakers mix classic horror icons with comic book action. The reviews for Dracula: Untold don€™t appear to be bucking this trend. The first Universal Monsters shared universe film currently holds a 25% approval rating on Rottentomatoes.com. This is not a modern phenomenon either. Reviewers also panned the first Universal Monsters team-up, Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. This is fair considering the producers edited out key scenes and dialogue due to a troubled production. The rest of the Monsters team-ups were far from critical darlings as well. It€™s hard to predict the quality of movies that are still only in the development stage. Unfortunately, the long list of critically-panned monster-themed action movies indicates that the new Universal Monsters films will have to fight an uphill battle to win critics over. Even the hugely popular Mummy reboot franchise failed to wow movie pundits. Universal could easily prove this prediction wrong by assembling some well-written and well-directed films down the line, but Dracula Untold€™s reviews aren€™t inspiring us with much confidence about the series€™ chances of winning critical accolades.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.