10 Predictions For 2019 Movies That Everybody Got Wrong

7. Walter White Survived: El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

captain america death

After the finale of the Breaking Bad franchise, many believed the show had done what others failed to do - it finished at the right time. In the final episode we saw Walter White finally apprehended after he was shot by a stray bullet from the contraption he made in the boot of his car.

While the final episode strongly hinted at Heisenberg's death, fans of the show took the same stance as Bane in the Dark Knight Rises... "Where was the body?" Yes, it was hinted that Walt had died as the police surrounded him, but there was no real proof. For all we knew, he may have just been staring into the sky awaiting his arrest.

When El Camino: A Breaking Bad movie was released on Netflix, fans saw this as the perfect opportunity for Vince Gilligan to prove their theories right. Walter White would appear in Jesse's movie alive, well, and in hiding.

These theories were only half right, however. Bryan Cranston did appear in the Breaking Bad movie, but as a flashback and nothing more. It is confirmed via a radio update relatively early on that Heisenberg did in fact perish at the finale of the show.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.