10 Predictions For Fox's Upcoming Marvel Movies

3. Matthew Vaughn Will Sort Out Fantastic Four


Matthew Vaughn, who served as producer on the Josh Trank abomination, recently went on record to say that he'd like the chance to head up a Fantastic Four movie as an apology for the mismanagement of the property.

Since this would be a dream ticket for everyone involved, there's a good chance Fox is going to take him up on this offer, providing there are no scheduling conflicts.

Vaughn has a solid track record when it comes to doing comic books justice on screen, whether that happens to be the spy-themed Kingsman, the subversive Kickass or the traditionally Marvel X-Men.

Giving Fantastic Four the First Class treatment is the best course of action for the tarnished brand, and there are few better candidates for the job than Vaughn.

The British filmmaker is expected to turn his attention to a third instalment in the Kingsman franchise next, but since the Doctor Doom movie is likely to precede the next attempt at Fantastic Four, the timing might just work out.

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X-Men Gambit
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