10 Problems With The Modern Movie Industry Nobody Ever Admits

2. People Listen To Comic-Con When That's The Worst Thing To Do

Every July all film eyes turn to San Diego for the biggest blockbuster film event on the calendar; Comic-Con. Over the years SDCC has become the place for distributors to unveil their latest movies. And not just those with superhero properties either; anything that's big and popular's fair game in 2016. But here's the thing - it's a totally skewed metric. Only a few thousand people get to see the footage (it rarely ever makes its way online, leaving those not attending with only detailed breakdowns or sh*tty phone recordings) and these people are fans on a massive high for being at SDCC and getting an exclusive glimpse of something they're incredibly excited for after having queued for hours. In this sort of atmosphere, the reaction is always going to veer to the positive side; showing a horde of Batman fans some Batman isn't getting anything other than cheers. This isn't an indictment of Comic-Con or previews - it's all a lot of fun - but that the way something is treated in the confines of Hall H doesn't act as a microcosm for the rest of the audience. After all, sometimes what's shown here isn't even emblematic of the finished film. Just take a look at what happened with Suicide Squad. The First Look footage from last year's event was incredibly misleading, to the point where Warner Bros. were reluctant to put a clean version online after it leaked because, as we've since learned from the proper trailer, it's not an accurate tonal representation of the movie.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.