10 Problems With The Modern Movie Industry Nobody Ever Admits

1. Great Movies Are Completely Missed

In America, January is a dump month - a time for a bunch of cack to be shovelled out to cinemas in a typically quiet time for business. In the UK, however, it's probably the best month of the year for film, with all of the Oscar movies finally making their way across the pond with a bunch of other high-end movies filling the gaps. It's great, but it means the whole thing's rather overcrowded. Case in point, this year one single weekend saw the release of The Revenant, Creed and Room; and with Leo and Rocky mastheading the former two, Brie Larson's stunning, affecting film was, through no fault of the movie itself nor its promotion, lost in the shuffle. Heck, seeing just the other two while also finding time to catch The Hateful Eight from the previous week and The Big Short the week after is nigh on impossible. There are, quite simply, too many movies. And not in a vague sense either - these are all major films that can all be fairly dubbed "must-sees". Things don't really let up going through the year either; there's regularly weeks with multiple top-tier movies jostling for attention. In the case of the Room-Revenant-Creed mash, it's not necessarily bad - each one is great (and I'd actually say Room is the weakest of the trio) - but when this happens every other week it leads to a saturated release schedule. Nobody's complaining about there being lots of movies. The problem is there being so many the good stuff never gets to even make an impact. What are your biggest problems with the modern movie industry? Enter the discussion down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.