10 Questionable Criticisms Of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

7. Doomsday Was Awful

Batman V Superman Lex Luthor Jesse Eisenberg.jpg
Warner Bros.

The Criticism: Although he wasn’t the overriding antagonist, Doomsday was the final boss that the heroes had to face off against. But outside of representing a physical threat to them, his inclusion didn’t make much sense. From his lacklustre design to his non-existent motivations, he was a waste and a terrible villain to end the movie on.

Why It’s Questionable: When Doomsday was introduced by DC Comics, he wasn’t intended to be a well-developed, visually stunning villain. He was a one-dimensional monster whose sole purpose was to kill Superman.

Likewise, Batman V Superman utilised Doomsday for that exact same reason; Zack Snyder wanted to kill Superman and Doomsday was the means to do that. He’s not supposed to have any personality in the film, and he doesn’t need to look cool because he existed only to fulfil the final shocker.

Sure, as a character Doomsday was imperfect, but he was faithful to the comics and exactly what the film needed him to be. If you accept him for what he is - a plot point - he makes a lot more sense to the story.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.