10 Quick Ways To Fix The DCEU

5. Focus On The Source Material

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DC Comics

This is not really a problem with the DCEU specifically, (although it does suffer from it), but it is a problem that is currently plaguing the entire movie industry. Instead of creating movies centered around an original piece of media, giant corporations tend to try and recreate their properties in the most mundane and vanilla ways possible while leaving out everything that made the comics great in the first place.

If giant corporations actually based their movies on specific story arcs within the comics, then it not only would satisfy a general audience, but also genuine comic book fans alike.

If the DCEU focused extensively on the source material, it would do the one thing almost every big superhero movie series has failed to do, get people to read the original comics. Not only would this make the DCEU completely unique, but it also would restore faith from the original fans that made those brands popular in the first place. Imagine how good the DCEU would be if they pulled-off a story arch like The Death of Superman, or Batman: Year One successfully on the big screen.

Not only would it bring-in mountains of cash, but it would also bring in new fans and satisfy old ones. So, really, it would be a win-win-win situation.

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Mile Millerson has contributed 1 post since joining in October 2019.