10 Quick Ways To Fix The DCEU

3. Be Consistent

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DC Comics

In the grand-scheme of the DCEU, it really does feel inconsistent. First, the tone, the first two movies where dark, chrome-reduced films that were a gritty retelling of the original comics. Then we have Suicide Squad, Shazam and Aquaman existing in the same universe. Some fans loved the new, gritty interpretation, some did not. However, at the very least, the gritty re-imaginings where something distinct from the MCU.

Now, the tone is all-over the place. Secondly, the stories of some of the solo films just don't make any sense in the grand-scheme of the universe. Why didn’t Wonder Woman help when Zod was invading earth? Why didn’t Superman do anything when the forces of the ocean where in chaos, especially when they planned to wipe-out humanity afterwards? In all honesty, it doesn’t make much sense.

Instead, the DCEU should focus on individual, self-contained movies that occasionally crossover. That way, self-contained movies can have their own tone, while not negatively affecting the bigger story.

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Mile Millerson has contributed 1 post since joining in October 2019.