10 Quotes That Define Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters

1. "I'm Just A Kid From Brooklyn" (Steve Rogers)

Steve Rogers is a humble guy who wanted nothing more than to get in to the United States army in order to be able to fight in the Second World War for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, he was too skinny and had too many medical issues. However, he was given a reprieve by Abraham Erskine who overheard him talking about wanting to enlist and, impressed by his enthusiasm, recruited him to be a part of the super soldier program. This was frowned upon by other members of the army, such as Chester Phillips, who saw him as unsuitable but, when Rogers displayed extreme bravery and willingness in training, he was officially chosen to receive the super soldier treatment. Once he was transformed in to a super soldier, he encountered the Red Skull, who asked him why he was chosen to receive the treatment. Rogers' modest response epitomised his humble and noble nature. Full DialogueRed Skull: "Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait, but I must say, you do it better than anyone. But there are limits to what even you can do, Captain, or did Erskine tell you otherwise?" Steve Rogers: "He told me you were insane." Red Skull: "Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine, but he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?" Steve Rogers: "Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." So there you have it - ten quotes that define Marvel cinematic universe characters. Did you enjoy this article? Which other characters had quotes that defined them? Can you think of better quotes to define the characters in this list? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.