10 Quotes That Define Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters

8. "Myeuh-muh? What's Myeuh-muh?" (Darcy Lewis)

There's nothing complex about this quote - it just goes to show that Darcy Lewis is there for nothing more than comic relief and this particular line is the defining one in cementing that fact.

Her mispronunciation of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, in the first Thor movie was both cute and endearing and it garnered huge laughs in movie theatres worldwide when it was first heard. So popular was Darcy - and this quote in particular - that she mimicked it in the second Thor movie. When Mjolnir flew past her, she exclaimed, yet again, "myeuh-muh!" Full DialogueThor: "All the answers you seek will be yours once I reclaim Mjolnir." Darcy Lewis: "Myeuh-muh?"

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.