10 R-Rated Characters Ruined In PG-13 Movies

6. Robocop

Deadpool 2
Orion Pictures

Robocop is another character who has been screwed by the PG-13 rating twice; His first two outings were hard R and well deserved, delivering blood and gore along with smart use of profanity and sex.

Robocop 3 however not only removed Peter Weller as the star, but the R rating. Now Robocop was fighting ninja robots accompanied by a kid... Lewis' death couldn't save the movie as she had become so unlikable and the franchise disappeared for over 20 years.

When the reboot was announced, fans got excited. Casting was interesting and Robocop's look was great. Except the dreaded PG-13 rating reared its head meaning ultra-violence never materialized. It also became clear that Samuel L. Jackson was in reality stunt casting for the one F-Bomb allowed under the rating.

Robocop done right requires gore and violence... he is not a cartoon character or a kid friendly character that deserves one more R-rated chance.

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Rob Taylor hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.