10 R-Rated Characters Ruined In PG-13 Movies

5. Suicide Squad

Deadpool 2
Warner Bros.

Suicide Squad seemed a perfect movie to test the R-rated waters for DC's cinematic universe. A movie about the worst of the worst could allow for some darkness not normally seen, especially with Jared Leto's Joker involved.

But of course DC were more concerned about making sure kids could see Suicide Squad, meaning that much of Leto's performance, along with the Squad themselves were neutered. Harley Quinn was hot, but an R-rated version could have really raised temperatures and the bar of what DC was willing to do.

In reality Will Smith's casting and Tom Hardy's leaving was a good indicator of how the rating and the movie would go. Smith was never signing up to a hard R. We can only hope James Gunn's take on The Suicide Squad is given the leverage to be an R and take advantage of its unique characters and their evil traits properly.

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Rob Taylor hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.