10 Random Films That Are REALLY Popular In Certain Countries

1. Baby's Day Out - India

Warcraft movie
20th Century Fox

Baby's Day Out revolves around a trio of bumbling criminals trying to kidnap a toddler. Based on that premise alone, you wouldn't think this dumb comedy would stand the test of time, even with Home Alone writer, John Hughes, helming the script.

And it didn't. Because Baby's Day Out bombed spectacularly, you would safely assume this stinker would vanish into obscurity.

But while visionary film critic, Roger Ebert, was travelling through Calcutta in 1997, he discovered Baby's Day Out was outperforming Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. According to one theatre manager which Ebert spoke to, the slapstick comedy was at #1 for "Seventeen weeks at least, filling every seat in our largest auditorium, 1400 seats."

Baby's Day Out is so beloved, it has been remade THREE TIMES in India. (For some reason, the 1999 remake is called James Bond.) Considering half the jokes revolve around being covered in slime, getting hit in the nuts, or kicking someone in the balls while they're on fire, it's a mystery why Baby's Day Out did well in India... or anywhere for that matter.


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