10 Random Films That Are REALLY Popular In Certain Countries

5. A Stitch In Time - Albania

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The 1963 comedy, A Stitch In Time, was a huge hit in its time. (It was actually the first film to topple From Russia with Love at the box office in the UK.) But nowadays, you'll have trouble finding anyone who remembers this slapstick bonanza.

But in Albania, there are few films that have been immortalised more in the annals of history than this Norman Wisdom comedy. During this era, the Maghrebian nation was under the heel of communist leader, Enver Hoxha, who banned all cinema which conflicted with his ideology.

But since A Stitch in Time featured no sex, bad language, or crime, Hoxha permitted it to be shown in Albania. Because the tyrannical Stalinist believed the story was an allegory for the working class dismantling capitalism, he encouraged everyone to watch it. Since the Albanian people felt like they were being controlled by their corrupt government, they bonded with Norman Wisdom's character, seeing him as an underdog.

As Hoxha introduced more of Wisdom's comedies into the country, the people couldn't get enough of his pratfall antics, turning the British comedian into a hero in Albania.

After communism in the nation dissolved, Wisdom regularly visited Albania to thank the people for supporting his work. Until the day he died, Wisdom organised charities for underprivileged children in Albania, causing the people to fall in love with him even more.


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