10 Random Films That Are REALLY Popular In Certain Countries

3. Fant4stic - Mexico

Warcraft movie

With the benefit of hindsight, it's self-evident the 2015 remake of Fantastic Four never stood a chance. The production was gloriously chaotic. The director, Josh Trank, kept butting heads with the studio execs and actors, causing him to quit in mid-production.

Most importantly, the film was bad. When I say "bad," I mean "Batman & Robin bad." Do you know how terrible a movie has to be in order to be mentioned in the same breath as Batman & Robin?

Fant4stic is so incomprehensible, you can tell the whole project was put together out of contractual obligation, not passion. Due to its incoherent plot, laughable effects, first-draft script, and gloomy tone, it's no surprise this Marvel adaptation failed to make a profit.

But for some undisclosed reason, this doomed superhero flick was surprisingly successful in Mexico. It raked in $10 million, which is the most the reboot made abroad. Although that doesn't sound like a lot of money, it earned more in Mexico than some heavy hitters that came out the same year, including The Martian and Mad Max: Fury Road.


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