10 Rare Movie Actor Contract Clauses You Never Knew

3. Jamie Foxx Wouldn't Perform Any Scenes On Boats Or Planes (Miami Vice)

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Just as production was ramping up on Michael Mann's big-screen Miami Vice reboot, star Jamie Foxx won a well-earned Best Actor Oscar for his performance as Ray Charles, allowing him to make a number of additional contractual demands.

Foxx first used his new-found fame and glory to negotiate a higher salary for himself, forcing co-star Colin Farrell to take a pay cut.

Additionally many who worked on the production noted Foxx as difficult to work with, refusing to fly to the set commercially and fleeing the Dominican Republic set after shots were fired in the vicinity, forcing Mann to change the film's ending.

But in terms of contractual stipulations, his most peculiar demand was refusing to take part in any scenes set on boats or planes, which for a movie about drug trafficking set in Miami was quite the ask indeed.

One anonymous crew member described Foxx as "more of a diva in the sense that he was afraid of boats, afraid of planes," while noting that Farrell "will do anything."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.