10 Really Dumb Moments In Otherwise Flawless Horror Films

2. Cheryl Goes Outside By Herself - The Evil Dead

The original Evil Dead is a charming low budget movie from Sam Raimi, although it doesn't have all the self-aware humour and goofy dialogue that would come in the later sequels. Still, it's effective and often pretty frightening, but the one major flaw is how stupid Cheryl is. Let's break down everything that happens to this character in the early part of the movie. She's the first one to experience anything supernatural, as while she's drawing by herself, a draught comes in the room and her hand becomes possessed. Maybe something weird is going on here, huh? Still, she doesn't tell anyone about this. Later on that night, Cheryl is in her room when she hears voices outside saying "join us." Naturally, she decides to listen, and so she just walks outside in her robe by herself without telling anyone. It would be one thing to just peak out for a moment, but she goes all the way into the middle of the forest. What? It's not as if she's being possessed at this point, and she's clearly acting on her own free will. Yeah, wandering into the creepy woods in the middle of the night makes a whole lot of sense. Maybe she was hit with some of that gas from The Cabin In The Woods.

Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.