10 Really Dumb Moments In Otherwise Flawless Horror Films
3. Blair Putting The Eraser To His Mouth - The Thing
In John Carpenter's brilliant remake of The Thing From Another World, a mysterious alien creature is able to imitate other life forms, creating an extremely dangerous situation where nobody knows who's real and who's The Thing. Obviously, this calls for a lot of caution then, right? Apparently Blaire didn't think so, as he makes the dumbest possible mistake while he's explaining to everyone how dangerous this situation is. In one scene, he is inspecting the remains of the creature while telling everyone it's an organism that imitates other life forms. So, clearly at this point he knows that the alien can "infect" people, yet what does he do? While he's talking, Blaire sticks the end of his pencil right up to the creature, and then proceeds to touch his mouth with it. Awesome idea, right? Do you think maybe it'd be best to avoid any and all contact with this thing? A lot of fans believe that this is how Blaire got infected, since that's never made explicit in the film. If that's the case, just about everything that happened is the result of one dumb man who can't stop touching his face with a pencil.