10 Reasons Batman v Superman Can't Top Captain America: Civil War

7. It's Not Based On A Comic Book

Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns is being used as inspiration for Batman v Superman, but if you go in expecting to see mutants and Batman faking his death, chances are you will be seriously disappointed. In fairness, Captain America: Civil War won't necessarily follow the comic book it's named after either, but the fact that it's named specifically after one which fans have been wanting to see for years certainly doesn't hurt its chances of success. It's clear that Batman v Superman will be a new story, and while that's no bad thing, you need only look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier to see how great the results are when one of these movies takes an already existing storyline and blows fans away with an adaptation which does it justice and adds to it. Fans know what to expect from Civil War, and that's no doubt why the excitement surrounding it appears to be at a much higher level.

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