10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

3. Wonder Woman To The Rescue

We should all be thankful €“ and excited €“ to see Wonder Woman grace Dawn of Justice in whatever capacity the filmmakers see fit. It€™s high time we saw women get a bigger slice of the action in comic book movies. That female characters have been given short shrift is perhaps the single biggest overriding criticism of the superhero genre, and a fair one. Marvel, for all their fine work, have struggled to step outside the cookie cutter with their female characterisations, Black Widow being one notable exception. There are no immediate openings on the crowded Marvel slate for a female-led movie and it will be some time before a slot becomes available. Sony have stolen a march on the competition by announcing that a female hero will take centre stage in 2017, but their extended-universe roadmap has been redrawn before, so it wouldn€™t be a shock if plans change again. The Justice League movie-proper will arrive in 2017, and it is more than likely that a Wonder Woman solo outing will be hot on its heels. And why not €“ the success of the Hunger Games franchise, not to mention Divergence and Lucy this year alone, demonstrates the considerable appetite for female-led blockbusters, and long may the trend continue. In this movie, Wonder Woman is a wildcard with serious potential €“ she could easily turn out to be the ace in the hole.

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