10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

7. Zack Snyder Is A Good Comic Book Movie Director

The continued employment of Zack Snyder probably comes in second behind Batfleck in the Dawn of Justice pessimism sweepstakes, but is this really justified? Zack Snyder cops some flak because not everyone was happy with what he managed to achieve with Man of Steel and some people saw Sucker Punch. Man of Steel we€™ll get to in a minute, and Sucker Punch was€ never mind. But let€™s be fair to Snyder, the guy showed some skills with his better-than-anticipated Dawn of the Dead remake and revealed a little more of what he could do via the generally well-received and very successful 300 €“ a comic book adaptation. He followed that up by filming the unfilmable, finally letting us watch the Watchmen, and doing a pretty damn good job. If you saw Watchmen and didn€™t like it, there€™s a decent chance you never read it. If you read it and saw it and didn€™t like what you saw, your opinion is perfectly valid, but you€™d be obliged to admit what a brain-bleeding, thankless task it was to try and bring such a complex, layered piece of storytelling to life. Say what you want about Snyder, the man is an extremely accomplished visual director and handles spectacle effortlessly. In broad terms, that€™s the director€™s job. He€™s a fan of comics, and it shows. The issues most people had with Man of Steel didn€™t revolve around how it looked, that wasn€™t really the problem. Speaking of which€

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.