10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

6. A Lot Of People Liked Man Of Steel

Man of Steel is one of the most divisive blockbusters of the last decade. Divisive, not derided. Sure, plenty of folks didn€™t like it and that€™s just fine €“ plenty of people didn€™t like The Godfather or The Avengers or The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Variety spice of life, boring if we€™re all the same, cliché reinforce point. There are many sticks with which to bash Man of Steel, and most of them have been reduced to toothpicks by now. Maguffin overload, a po-faced, morally questionable Superman, lack of character development €“ we could go on. None of which changes the fact that a lot of people rather enjoyed it. We needed a fresh spin on this character and we got one. A Superman movie should deliver action in spades, and this one threw in clubs, hearts and diamonds. The cast was loaded with impressive talent, and Henry Cavill did a solid job in the lead. Of course, you can€™t say Dawn of Justice might be great because not everybody hated Man of Steel. What you can say, however, is that there was some good stuff in there, and it€™s entirely possible that the creative team responsible for Batman v Superman might also be aware of its predecessor's failings and do their utmost to address those concerns so that you get a better movie next time around. On which note€

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.