10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

4. Too Many Superheroes Don€™t Spoil The Broth

Marvel done good. In six years of almost unbroken success, they€™ve got ten hit movies in the bag and ten thousand more in the pipeline. The Avengers represents their high-water mark to date, pleasing critics and Hulk-Smashing box office records with its expertly-wielded cast of characters. So lots of superheroes sharing screen time = good, right? €˜NO€™, you say? Oh right, it only worked because Marvel took the time to set up each character in their own movie first. It€™s true, it€™s impossible to do it any other way. Except that€™s how movies always work (sequels aside). It€™s just kinda what the medium is: you€™re introduced to some characters you know nothing about and they do and go through stuff and you get to know €˜em, hopefully being suitably entertained in the process. Like in Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians was great because it was well written and the character dynamics were sparky and it was tons of fun. As for Dawn of Justice, one of the characters just starred in his own movie, the other main guy€™s had a bunch, and some of the other newbies you€™re worried about aren€™t likely to feature that prominently anyway, so there€™s not really that much to worry about as regards Aquaman et al. Arguably the two best blockbusters this summer were superhero flicks with a boatload of characters sharing screen time, i.e. Guardians and X-Men: Days of Future Past. There€™s no good reason to believe Dawn of Justice will suffer from a surfeit of characters. Relax.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.