10 Reasons Ben Affleck Will Be An Awesome Batman

5. He Has His Finger On The Pulse

benaffleckdirector600 One thing that's clear about this announcement is that Ben Affleck isn't just going to run in, say his lines, and then disappear off set; we can we expect him to be intimately involved with the development of both this movie and the subsequent Justice League feature, given that Affleck was originally tipped to be in the running to direct Justice League (with some even suggesting he could star as Batman given how successfully he has directed himself in The Town and Argo). It would be silly to expect that the Batman role only came onto Affleck's radar in the last few weeks; he's likely known about this for a while, and it's easy to imagine that he's had in-depth meetings with Goyer, Nolan and Snyder about the direction his character would take, particularly in contrast to Christian Bale's take. If we assume Affleck to be a creative force in the movie rather than merely an actor, then given his current chops as a writer-director, that's no bad thing moving forward and beyond.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.