2. Seen It, Seen It, Seen It...
Remember that part about choosing a movie? Cinephiles prefer not to watch garbage, but how do you think they developed such "fine" tastes? That's right, they went through the same garbage they won't let you watch in order to distinguish their tastes. I don't consider myself a cinephile, which I'll get to in my final point, but even I like to watch occasional bad movies at times just so I can see what constitutes a poor film. And I've seen a fair amount of poor films, even the critically acclaimed films aren't the gems you think they're going to be. This all translates to one thing. Cinephiles have seen everything. There may be no point in watching Netflix or renting a movie from Redbox because cinephiles have seen everything. Normal people have jobs and lives, so they'll go to the theatre when they can and usually will make a decision to watch something on the spot. The cinephile has been scheduling to watch a film from the day it's been announced. In one week, I went to the theatres four times and saw four different movies, how many times has the cinephile been to the theater or watched a movie? So, this limits movie time with friends because the cinephile has seen everything; there's really nothing for him or her to do except try not to ruin it for everyone else.