10 Reasons Ghostbusters II Is Ridiculously Underrated

3. The "We're Back!" Montage

Ghostbusters II
Columbia Pictures

Ghostbusters II commits the most common sequel sin; repeating the story beats of the original. It starts out with the team having to reform, the courtroom attack is basically a remix of the Slimer scene and Mr Stay Puft is replaced here by the Statue Of Liberty.

In hindsight, it might have been a mistake to have the team spend the first act reforming, but it also leads to the triumphant moment. Having spent nearly half the film watching them get mocked, dismissed and arrested they finally reclaim their dignity by catching some ghosts. They emerge from the courtroom holding the traps, and Ray’s victorious shout of “We’re back!” is undeniably spine tingling.

We then get a montage – set to Run DMC’s underrated cover of the theme – of the team back in business, and the audience realise it was worth the wait for the band to get back together.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.