10 Reasons Ghostbusters II Is Ridiculously Underrated

2. Dr Janosz Is Comic Gold

Ghostbusters II
Columbia Pictures

Janosz Poha is the secret weapon of Ghostbusters II; he’s the lonely, weird head of restoration at the art museum who becomes Vigo’s minion, and he steals every scene he appears in. Actor Peter MacNicol is having a blast playing the awkward dork with no clear country of origin, and the movie mines his character for all it can.

He’s introduced bluntly dismissing the work of his students, and he’s constantly throwing out gems like “Everything you are doing is bad. I want you to know this” and “Soon, the city will be mine and Vigo's... well, mainly Vigo's.” MacNicol’s comic timing is impeccable, and he’s able to create laughs out of scenes that probably won’t have any without him.

He doesn't work as a credible villain, but he's so much fun that's a hardly a major problem.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.