10 Reasons Guardians Of The Galaxy Might Fail

4. Potential To Be More "Goofy" Than Funny

When that teaser for Guardians was attached to the credits of Thor: The Dark World, audiences were quite heavily divided on the look of the film. The flamboyant costume of Benicio del Toro's The Collector, and the whole heightened aesthetic seemed a little "out there" even for a series containing Asgardian Gods and so on. It's fair to say that these worlds need a lightness of touch in order to come to life on screen (hence Marvel's mostly light-hearted approach to date), though there is the worry that what's silly and funny could very quickly turn to "goofy" (like a Joel Schumacher Batman movie) and turn audiences off. Though the right approach to Rocket Raccoon, Groot and this entire universe will make for an uproariously entertaining night at the cinema, if Gunn tries too hard to be funny, it could just end up seeming corny and therefore out of step with what we've seen from the MCU so far. It already seems pretty flamboyant, and Gunn needs to be able to tow a line between staying faithful to the comic and not turning casuals off.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.