10 Reasons Loki Is Actually A Pretty Lame Villain

8. His Magic Is Pretty Damn Lame

Marvel StudiosMarvel StudiosLoki's schtick is that he's a sorcer, a mage and man of trickery - tricks that he learned from his adept sorcerer mother, Frigga - and yet the magic he has displayed so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is actually pretty damn lame. Granted, we don't expect the comic book levels of sorcery from the character - the entire franchise is diluted in terms of power level in comparision to the comics - but we certainly expect more than what we've seen from Loki so far on that front. He's pretty good with illusions, that's a certainty, but aside from that he hasn't done anything to write home about. He seemingly mind-controlled Erik Selvig in some capacity in the post-credits scene of the first Thor movie, and he displayed some kind of telekinetic power in his cell when he was angered in Thor: The Dark World, but the wizardry we expect from a key villain who is meant to be skilled in the art of magic is definitely lacking so far (even something as basic as a teleport spell, which would have got him out of a number of dire predicaments - such as his stint inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. cage - is out of his league at the moment, it seems).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.