5. Horror Is Selling Out.
The formula for most horror movies these days is gore + sex + one -dimensional monster= Horror movie. I dont think there have been too many horror movies that didnt have at least all three of those things. Need a hot chick who will bear her bosoms, well theres quite a surplus who will do anything for a role. The nudity is directly male- targeted too, I dont think Ive ever seen a little general coming out of the ranks for the ladies appeal. Gore is another big ingredient; in fact I dont know if we should be amazed or scared at the ways of death these writers come up with. Remember when the killer had a backstory which gave him more humanity, well Hollywood has thrown that right out of the window for the most part. Killers just want to kill with no justification or for the dumbest reason possible (which I guess wouldnt be a far stretch from real life). If the movie doesnt have a monster, then they revert to a supernatural being thats all about possessing people and then fucking shit up. Dont get me wrong there are some original horror movies out there, but they are far few in between the bad ones. And there are many awful ones, filled with reused clichés.