10 Reasons The New Peanuts Film Will Be A Complete Success

8. The Director

Steve Martino knows how to direct a successful animated feature film. Both Horton Hears a Who and Ice Age: Continental Drift saw huge returns at the box office and the positive reviews for Horton prove he knows how to adapt a sacred piece work. Next to Charles Schulz, Dr. Seuss is one of the world's most beloved writers and artists. Making a worthy animated version of one of his classic books is no small feat, but Martino pulled it off. Thankfully, he's equally as outspoken as the Schulz family in regards to the Peanuts film. He's excited at the prospect of what modern animation techniques can bring to the project but also about giving the film a classic feel. "We're going to fly with Snoopy in his fantasy world," He says. "We have a bigger canvas. Bill Melendez got Snoopy off the ground in the TV specials. We're going to take it a step further." A step further might just be what the property needs to keep it fresh and relevant in a world filled with other contemporary animated successes like the Lego Movie, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and Frozen. And although it seems the film will feature some new concepts, like three dimensions, Martino promises to keep the theme the same as its always been; eternal optimism. "Charlie Brown is the guy who picks himself up after every fall and tries again. That's what is powerful to me." He says. Given the creators passion for the project so far, it'd seem a crime to rob them of such a potentially faithful reinvention.

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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym