10 Reasons Prometheus 2 Should Be Scrapped For Alien 5

2. "From The Writers Of Green Lantern & Transcendence..."

After Prometheus was written by the guy who wrote forgettable techno-thriller The Darkest Hour (Jon Spaihts) and the guy who gave Lost such a terrible ending (Damon Lindelof), we hoped that Ridley Scott might seek out a more renowned writer for Prometheus 2, especially after Lindelof opted not to return following the outcry from the first film. It appears that Scott hasn't learned his lesson though, as the first draft for Prometheus 2 was written by Jack Paglen, who also penned the woefully disappointing Transcendence, and is now being revised by Michael Green, who wrote the script for DC's dud Green Lantern. In defense of Green, he's also written a few episodes of Heroes and is collaborating with Scott on an as-of-yet untitled Blade Runner follow-up, but...the guy wrote Green Lantern, and that's an overwhelming alarm bell ringing right there. Also, given how Lindelof's revision of Spaihts' script is exactly what neutered Prometheus and gave it so many damn problems, the idea of someone else's script getting "revised", even though it's a regular Hollywood practice, doesn't exactly give us much confidence.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.