10 Reasons The DC Cinematic Universe Could Beat Marvels'

7. Marvel's Poster Boy Is Boring

The Marvel Civil War has two pivotal characters: Iron Man, and Captain America. In the comic books, this was fine - we had entire comic book arcs about their personal nuances. However, the way that DC is going to overtake Marvel is because Captain America - the symbol of the Marvel cinematic universe is ... well, he's dull. This is because Captain America is always right. There have been two Captain America films: "Captain America vs the Nazis" and "Captain America vs Nazis in Disguise". The conclusion at the end of the films was: if you're not on the side of Captain America, whether you know it or not, you're probably a bad guy. Why even bring in the political ideas of Civil War when, according to Marvel's cinematic universe, there's no discussion. One side is clearly good, one side clearly bad. Man of Steel, in contrast, presented a Superman that could have some character development. The destruction of Metropolis as a metaphor (albeit an expensive one) for both the world needing to be rebuilt after superhumans exist and also for Superman to build himself as the hero he could be to mankind. DC can present a world where superhumans are just that: super humans. People that can't take solace in the fact that they are a god, or a genius, or the walking ideal of the United States of America. From their first film, they've shown that superheroes can do damage, and that with great power comes great responsibility - how's that for irony?
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